History of gp'sin 1934, Greek immigrant, James Politis (aka Grampa), began his familys journey of restaurant ownership in Hudson County. He opened the Lackawanna Restaurant in the Hoboken Terminal. (See An Original ad for the restaurant in pdf). In 1965, James son, George James Politis, Sr. Owned the exclusive Union Club in Hoboken. It was the meeting place for the whos who of the city until 1974. In 1975, George, Sr. Moved up the hill to Weehawken to open gps East - a rib and grill. This restaurant was along the cliff on Boulevard East with breathtaking views of the NYC skyline. In 1977, the restaurant was moved a little way down the road to its current Guttenberg location and simply named gps restaurant. This year (2012), gps continues its expansion in Hudson County with George Politis, Jr. Opening his second location in Hamilton Park in downtown Jersey City.